The Mockingbird Project
The Mockingbird Project is the recipient of the Fathom Residency through A Studio in the Woods Artist and Residency Program. The project is an ongoing collaboration with Tulane biologists Dr. Jordan Karubian and PhD student Annelise Blanchette working with printmaker Pippin Frisbie-Calder to raise awareness about urban birds and lead contamination in New Orleans with themes related to both public health and the well being of all living creatures. As in many older cities around the world, lead contamination represents an important health risk to both human and animal inhabitants of New Orleans. Ongoing work by Dr. Jordan Karubian and colleagues suggests that high levels of lead in some New Orleans neighborhoods may impact the behavior and reproductive success of urban songbirds. In this way, these songbirds may serve as “canaries in the coal mine” for the risks associated with lead contamination, with the potential to raise awareness about this important but sometimes under-appreciated issue. The artist will collaborate closely with scientists from Karubian Lab and staff at A Studio in the Woods to understand the effects of lead and develop provocative community engagement using the shared platform of Mardi Gras as a vehicle to reach a broad swath of local residents.A key component to this project will be getting toxic beads out of the trash and into recycling programs. In addition to high levels of lead in New Orleans from historic contamination, Mardi Gras beads have been shown to have high levels of heavy metals. Objects tossed off of Mardi Gras parade floats, called ‘throws’ locally, comprise approximately 25 million pounds of trash produced annually during the two week celebration. Our intention is to incentivize people to recycle their beads by exchanging them for a beautiful, eco-friendly, handcrafted throw. Thanks to and for assistance in recycling our beads!Update: This project launched Mardi Gras 2020. Over 40 people volunteered, some for multiple days, others jumped in off the street to help. Many volunteers built beautiful bird costumes out of hand screen printed feathers, then paraded with us collecting beads.We collected 55 bags of beads, totaling about 1,100 pounds. If you are interested in being apart of this project for Mardi Gras 2021 please email me! This project is ever evolving and we would love your energy in making this city a safer, greener place.
All photos are thanks to the fabulously talented Fernando López