Extinct: Ivory-billed Woodpecker

Extinct, Threatened and Restored

Extinct, Threatened and Restored are three installations that were installed at Southeastern Louisiana Univerisity as part the of exhibit Art + Environment.

Three installations were installed in the gallery. Each told a story.

Extinct: Ivory-billed Woodpecker

Threatened: Migratory Birds

Restored: The Atlantic Puffin

“Environmentalism” is a subject commonly politicized and reductively treated, but the science of a warming planet shows the nuances of collective human activity. My work seeks to investigate ecosystems and demystify scientific outcomes, while calling into question human culpability and responsibility.

Working with Biologists I create large-scale installations and prints exploring issues of climate change, species extinction, and environmental stewardship.

Restored: The Atlantic Puffin

Threatened: Migratory Birds

Click on the button to learn more about each of these different installations.

Each project was created in collaboration with different biologists and organizations over many years.